"It would be an understatement to say it was a delightful and wholesome read. From the art cover to the writing, it was a captivating story with euphoric visuals. I, personally liked the third character being a pet bunny rabbit. It opens the doors for kids to view animals less as creatures and more as their friends. The design is very adorable, too. I could see where the inspiration and resemblance of the main two leads came from, they do look very much alike to their real-life counterpart.
Adding a glossary at the end is also an amazing touch and a fun approach to teaching kids vocabulary in a fun and engaging setting. The interactive test is a great addition to the learning process. Makes you want to take the entire journey all over again with attention to detail.
I wish you and your book a tremendous amount of success. I appreciate how you have thought outside the box and created something to help kids learn and make the process for kids and parents to be enjoyable at the same time."
- Eli from Amazon Publishing Plus